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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Feature Local Artist: Michael Abraham

I came across a pamphlet at the office the other day from a local art gallery, Gallery Jones, here in Vancouver. Its current exhibition (only on until the end of the week) highlights the works of Michael Abraham, and I’m happy to say he’s a local artist (although born in Montreal and schooled at the Ontario College of Art.) Michael has also worked in Italy and New York among other places.

I love Michael’s work. It just immediately spoke to me as soon as I saw it. To me the pieces are whimsical, fantastical, awkward, and therfore totally relatable. They catch mischievous moments skewed in a light only experienced as a point in time as viewed through the artitst’s eyes. Here are a few of my favorites:

“Red Carpet”Vancouver Artist Michael Abraham whimsical design

”Top Card”Vancouver Artist Michael Abraham whimsical design

”Dreamers Schemers and Streamers”Vancouver Artist Michael Abraham whimsical design

To learn more about Michael and to see more of his work, check out his website or get to Gallery Jones at 1725 West 3rd Avenue in Vancouver in the next few days and see it in person.

All imagse are copyright and creative property of Michael Abraham

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