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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Another Floating Fantasy Hotel

Well one can only dream of what travel might be like in 300 years from now. The floating hotel is not a completely original concept as I wrote about the Massaud Floating hotel here.

This time however, the crazy “floating hotel” idea called “Aircruise” would be diamond shaped, and would leisurely travel around the globe, somewhat like a luxury cruise liner, docking in cool landing pads like shown at the end of the video. It would be lifted by Hydrogen and powered by solar energy leaving no carbon footprint. Travelling at only 145 km/hr, it would take 37 hours to get from London to New York…but what’s the rush right? (speaking of which, the second half of the video is much more interesting than the first half…if you want to speed things up!) Kudos for creativity!

“Designer” – Nick Talbot

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