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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Not so flattering Beijing

I see a lot of photos of new hotels, new hotel design concepts, and new products. Most of the time I either like what I see, or think something is just ok. But I had a negative reaction to The Emperor Hotel in Beijing after coming across it as a featured hotel on hotel booking site. I'm not being negative for the sake of being negative, but using this as a learning lesson in design.

The guestroom is long and narrow. I know space is tight in China...but why make a guestroom out such a poorly shaped space? I really don't like this particular orange either.

The corridors look childish and unsophisticated. The lighting is horrible, and again I really am not into these colours! Everything is very monochromatic...either orange or green or black. I suppose it is definately a look guests will remember, but not a good one. I think it needs more depth.
The bathroom vanity is an interesting shape, but how useful is that counter? I can also see myself stabbing my thighs in the middle of the night with those towel rods that stick out from the front.
This seating grouping in the lobby looks like something I would avoid sitting in. Not very inviting. Again the lighting is over done. Everything doesn't need to glow with flurescent lights!

Overall this is a very poor design in my opinion. Something I'd give an F.

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