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Friday, September 12, 2008

Brilliant or Blasphemous?

American artist Jeff Koons is currently displaying some of his tongue and cheek artwork at the Versailles palace (Sept. 11 through Dec. 14, 2008). Some call the pop culture artist's choice of venues questionable, others applaud it. I for one think it is genius. What better way to complement both the historic setting of Versailles in all it's glory, with modern art? Why should a historic snapshot in time be frozen forever and not used for today? There can still be respect (after all it is temporary). The contrast shows where society has evolved from, where it is today, and where it's headed.
A futuristic robo-bunny at home in the 17th century decor.

The most cheeky installation is a suspended inflatable lobster, mocking the ornate surrounding chandeliers.

A beautiful heart suspended in one of the castle's many arched halls.

A blue foil "moon" at the end of the hall of mirrors.

A modern bustA statue of Michael Jackson and his pet monkey.

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