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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Osborne and Little Wallpaper-Fabulous & Divine!

Our favorite line of wallpaper is from Osborne and Little. It's an English company that makes really funky and fun wallpapers. We don't like to use too much of it though, mainly because it's just TOO much. It's best used in a bathroom, an accent wall or a powder room.

Here are some our of our favorite from the new collection--it's fun, it's colorful, it's bright--just what we need in these trying economic times...

Osborne & Little wallpapers come in European rolls, which is the equivalent of our US double roll (11 yards). They are quite pricey (running about $150-300 retail per roll). Here's a good discount source for Osborne and Little wallpapers.

To see more of the collections, go to http://www.osborneandlittle.com/.

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