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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Five Things We Can't Live Without

Running an e-commerce business requires that we are on the computer CONSTANTLY, ALL THE TIME. We find there are a few things that don't cost much, even free, that help keep our work environment more fun and relaxing.

We thought we share them with you.

1) Free Music. Have you heard of Pandora? If you haven't you must try it. It's a free Internet radio service where you can enter an artist or a song that you like; then Pandora will create a whole station full of similiar music for you. This way you get new music, all the time. The service is free but you have to click on the site every hour or so. You can also pay something like $36/year to get longer session to 5 hours and no ad. Awesome site.

2) Free workout. In order to prevent that "muffin top" from sitting so much in front of the computer, we usually take 30 minutes or so to do excercise in our office. Self.com has some amazing free exercise videos you can do at home with just a pair of dumbbell. Excercisetv.tv is good too for free work out videos.

3) Nice scented candles. Our favorite is from Votivo. It has several elegant fragances and the candles last a long time....

4) Fresh flowers....Now you might think this is an indulgence but it's amazing what fresh flowers can do to your mood. We just buy them from Fresh & Easy for $10-15 or plug them from the gardens...depending on the season...

5) Free entertainment: Our favorites- NY Times, LA Times, The New Yorker, Newser and ok, we're a bit embarassed to admit it, TMZ. The first four keep us informed and in touch with the world; the last one is just mindless entertainment...

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