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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Red Story

Sometime it's easier to envision how a product looks in a room if you can see it together with other items. Let's face it, most of us are not that imaginative--we need help!

In that spirit, we are trying out a new feature where we put together a group of products in a comprehensive manner so you can see how it looks. Here is our first try. Let us know what you think:

--Click on the image to enlarge it--

Here are the sources for the products:

1) The wallpaper is by F Schumacher, the pattern is called "Twiggy". The color shown is rasberry. It is also available in silver, champagne and soft chatreuse; the colorways can be viewed on F. Schumacher web site. You can buy this on InsideFabric.com .

2) The daybed and the side table are by Michael Weiss for Vanguard Furniture. You can find these items on InsideAvenue.com.

3) The floral arrangement is from NDI. You can buy the item on Inside Avenue.com. If you would like to see the manufacturer catalogs, they can be assessed via NDI web site. They are a wholesaler and do not sell directly to the public, however.

4) The pillow is from Legacy Linens. This company makes wonderful bedding and decorative pillows. The products look way better in person than they do on the web. The only set back is it's custom-made, so you 'll have to wait a while...


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